Saturday, 10 October 2009

A master stroke by Question Time

Having Nick Griffin appear on a public television debate against the Home Secretary, Jack Straw is a master stroke of genius by the media moguls. Of course, those who position themselves on the far left will accuse me of being a sympathiser and an enabler for the BNP. Neither of which sum up my position. I do not sympathise or feel any sense of solidarity on any of the issues which the BNP claim to stand for or against. I am resolutely opposed to racism and discrimination.

That being said, I do not feel any threat or any sense of danger from this decision by Question Time. I believe this, because the BNP has been able to summon its strength from the underground, and from the Internet. The BNP has been outlawed, which means that its members congregate together and discuss their views without fears of reprisals. The reason that the BNP has been able to generate so much support is because their views are not aired in public, and thus cannot be debated and challenged. It is too much to ask of impressionable people to question Nick Griffin at one of his Nuremberg-style rallies. Because the BNP is essentially in hiding, they can manipulate their views to be seen as "acceptable." But by putting him on TV, Nick Griffin will essentially be put on trial, and will have to explain his views to the British public. Drawing Nick Griffin out from the crevice in which he cowers and into the light of public debate will allow people to see the views of the BNP for what they really are - utterly baseless and full of hot air.

Putting Nick Griffin on TV shows the public that the authorities have nothing to fear from him. Once everyone can see the BNP for what they really are, the government and the country will have no reason to worry about them. They will become as worthless as other neo-Nazi groups operating in this country.

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